No Bookmobile Service on Saturday, December 7th. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Displays and Bulletin Boards Policy

Last Updated Date

Adopted 6/10/1987;
Amended 9/11/2022; 6/9/2010; 10/14/2015; 08/16/2023


District displays and exhibits are offered to assist patrons in their exploration of educational, cultural, intellectual, and civic pursuits. Displays incorporate library materials, whenever possible, as a means of informing users of the range of District resources and services.

Public display spaces may, when not being used for District displays, be offered for use by individuals or nonprofit organizations under guidelines and procedures established by the Library Director. Display space is made available to such persons or groups on equal terms, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of group members.

  • The District reserves the right to limit the size and number of items, the schedule of any display, and the frequency with which groups or organizations may display materials.
  • Displays may not be used for commercial purposes; items on display shall not be marked so as to indicate that they are for sale.
  • All displays and exhibits are displayed in the District on a voluntary, non-fee basis.
  • Owners of exhibits are advised to carry their own insurance. The District will not be responsible for uninsured loss or damage.
  • Displays may not contain any of the following: explosives, biologically or chemically hazardous material, apparatus which produces noise while on display, perishables, items illegal to possess, speech that is not constitutionally protected, or materials whose display may violate election laws.
  • Only parents and legal guardians have the right and responsibility to restrict the access of their children to District resources. The display of materials is not inhibited by the possibility that particular works may inadvertently be seen by children and young adults.
  • Acceptance of a display or exhibit topic by the District does not constitute an endorsement of the content or of the views expressed in materials on display.
  • The displayer/exhibitor is responsible for the prompt installation, clean-up, and removal of the display and/or exhibit. Access will be scheduled with District staff. Failure to complete the work within identified timelines may result in denial of future use. Displays/exhibits that are not collected by an agreed-upon date may be assumed to be a donation to the District and managed according to the Gift Acceptance Policy.

Bulletin Boards and Pamphlet Distribution

Bulletin board and pamphlet rack space is available only to nonprofit organizations and to individuals promoting not-for-profit events that are in alignment with District service goals and open to the general public. (An exception may be made for certain special community fund-raising events when proceeds are used for specific community service projects or are donated to a non-profit.)

  • District postings and pamphlets always have precedence.
  • All postings, including leaflets, brochures, etc. must be approved by authorized District staff before being placed on the board or racks.
  • Postings must be dated.
  • Postings will be accepted only if space is available and only for a fixed period of time, to be determined by the Library Director or designee. Postings will be removed by library staff after expiration date has passed.
  • The District assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to materials posted or distributed.
  • Postings may not contain speech that is not constitutionally protected.
  • Posting or distribution of materials does not imply endorsement by the District.
  • Petitions or election materials may not be placed on bulletin boards or pamphlet racks, or otherwise left in District facilities. Such materials left will be discarded.
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